Transforming from “Someone Who Runs” to “A Runner”

Every “runner” was, at some point in time, a “beginner.”  The transition from beginner (or “jogger”) to runner is much more than buying expensive running shoes, joining a training group, or increasing mileage. The shift is multifaceted, and is marked by distinct changes in running habits, as well as a purposeful transformation in one’s approach to running.

There are plenty of articles, blogs, websites, and books that offer tips for learning the basics of running. The scope of this article is far too limited to offer a comprehensive plan to help “someone who runs” make the transition to “runner.” However, it is useful to get some pointers so that beginners know what to study, where to start, and how to identify the characteristics of the “runners” that they strive to become.

Focus and Consistency

The key difference between a beginner and a “runner” is the level of focus and consistency in running. A beginner might run the same routes or distances without much planning day-to-day or week-to-week. There is no real focus on the purpose of each run, and the beginner’s routine, or performance, might be somewhat inconsistent. It is true that beginners need a lot of “time on their feet” to strengthen their running muscles and build endurance. Accordingly, it is appropriate for a beginner to run “just to run” instead of assigning a specific, focused purpose to every run. Similarly, the beginner needs to be flexible, and should adapt the running routine to accommodate the beginner’s ability and need for recovery days.

The shift to becoming a “runner” is marked by an increased focus on each run’s purpose, and a consistent running regimen that follows a logical, measured pathway towards specific goals. A runner understands that different runs have different purposes. The focus of an easy run is far different than that for a tempo run. Likewise, a runner aims for consistency in running – consistent pace, consistent effort, and consistent results.

This does not mean that beginners must assign a specific purpose to every run or adhere to a strict regimen every week. However, beginners should strive for running consistently – avoid the “start and stop” irregular pattern that is most common after New Year’s resolutions. In addition, adding focus to a run can help with the boredom that many beginners experience. Instead of always “running just to run,” beginners can add focus to a specific run – such as aiming for a consistent pace over the course of a regular route.

Patience and Planning

Beginners tend to think of running with short-term vision, even though they might have long-term goals. For example, a beginner might start running to lose weight, to “get fit,” or to complete a 5K race. Even with those longer-term plans, a beginner might not think of running in terms of “training.” Instead, for a beginner, this week’s runs look much like last week’s and most likely will be the same as next week’s. At the same time, a beginner might be somewhat impatient, and will try to run longer or faster with each week, never giving much thought to building a training plan.

Experienced runners think of running, or training, in terms of weeks and months. They plot their weekly runs with a long-term goal in mind. In turn, every run has a purpose: an easy run for aerobic endurance; a tempo run for stamina; speed work for leg speed and race-specific stamina; hill work for strength; or a long run for muscle endurance. Moreover, runners learn patience with their running and training. They understand that this week’s workouts are designed for results that are weeks, or months, ahead.

The beginner who wants to develop into a runner does not have to learn all the technical points of highly specialized training. But for the beginner who wants to transform from a recreational runner to a seasoned runner, the pathway is paved with planning and patience. Coupled with focus and consistency, the end result is the satisfying feeling that running is less like “work” and more like “reward.”

Finer Points:  Shoes, Tools and Gear

Beginners often have no idea what type of running shoe they need. The #1 piece of advice for a beginner is to find a reputable running shoe store, spend some time with the sales staff learning what type of shoe works best for you, and decide based on comfort and fit. Compared to beginners, veteran runners usually understand the difference between neutral, stability, and motion control shoes, know the right “heel to toe drop” for their footfall, and have enough experience with different brands and models to know which shoe works best for their individual needs. Over time, the beginner will gain this knowledge too, and will be comfortable buying shoes based on experience instead of someone else’s advice.

Many beginners never use a watch or GPS device when running, which is perfectly fine when just getting started. However, the critical need for beginners is not to keep track of “how fast” or “how far,” but “for how long.”  Again, time on one’s feet is particularly important for a beginner. Without a watch to keep track of time spent running, the only option is to guess -- and the tendency is to err on the side of estimating more, not less, time running.

Likewise, runners use a variety of tools such as GPS devices, heart rate monitors, headlamps, moisture wicking clothes, key pouches, water belts, and an endless variety of running headphones, hats, sunglasses, and socks. For the beginner, the most important tools – besides shoes and a watch – are comfortable, durable clothing. “Workout gear” is not the same as running attire. A lot of shirts and shorts have seams in places that can be very irritating over the course of a 45-minute sweaty run.

Putting It All Together

Be patient, plan your runs, focus on the purpose of every run, and strive for consistency. Buy proper running shoes and attire and use a watch to keep track of minutes spent running. Over time, the transition from being “someone who runs” to “a runner” will be complete.

Paul Carmona is the head coach for RunTrainRace, the REVEL Online Coaching Program, the RunPortland Program, the Mesa Online Coaching Program, and Twenty-Six Two Marathon Club. He has run more than 75 marathons, including 12 Boston Marathon finishes. Paul has competed in ultramarathons, including a second-place finish in a 100-miler. He has also competed in over 40 triathlons and one Ironman.


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